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Krishisparash is an ISSN registered Open Access International Multidisciplinary Monthly Online Magazine with Independent esteemed editorial members from different states covering on multiples field of scientific research and trends in various disciplines of agriculture and allied activities. The Magazine cum e-Newsletter were created as a platform for researchers, academicians, scientists and other interested readers to stay informed about scientific developments. In conjunction with their respective themes, these issues will cover innovative ideas, a review of classical theories, research gaps, and schools of thought on emerging topics. We have streamlined the Popular Articles (Technical) to make them easier to understand by the general public. All the articles submitted to the magazine will be reviewed by our editorial board of subject experts. We invite articles from different field of Agriculture which includes Horticulture, Entomology, Plants Pathology, Biochemistry, Plant Physiology, Economics, Animal & Veterinary Sciences, Food & Dairy Technology, Biotechnology, Environmental Sciences, Forestry, Agricultural Engineering, Botany, Zoology, Fisheries, and Social Science, among others.All the author's are requested to send their articles through
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